Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 274, Oct 1 / Safe Harbor American Blonde

Day 274 / October 1, 2011

Safe Harbor American Blonde
The Great New London Brewing Company / New London, CT
…or is it… Cottrell Brewing Company / Pawcatuck, CT


Something New

What’s this?  I found a new beer that doesn’t even have a website for its brewery, and isn’t listed yet on BeerAdvocate.

And it’s a pretty good one at that!

Safe Harbor American Blonde is the first release from the The Great New London Brewing Company, which is currently contract brewing at the Cottrell Brewing Company in Pawcatuck, CT.  I found a six pack at Norms’s in Vienna, VA.  Yes, I’ll admit, I was attracted to the beer by the pretty upside down lady on the label.

This was an unfiltered blonde ale, with a mild hoppy taste.  I’d definitely recommended picking some up if you can find it!

For a little more info, here’s an article I found online from a Connecticut new publication.


  1. Nothing like an upside down lady to get one's attention. But what is it, pretty upside down, or pretty, upside down?????

  2. I'd say she's VERY upside down, she looks VERY pretty that way, and I'm sure she'd look pretty right side up too!

    And another thing, why is the opposite of upside down right side up? Shouldn't it be upside up? Or downside down?

  3. What about the left side??
