Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 69, Mar 10 / Old Thumper Extra Special Ale

Day 69 / March 10, 2011

Shipyard Brewing Company / Portland, ME


What’s the name of the game?  Thumper!
How do you play?  All the way!

Let me be perfectly clear:  the beer I had tonight was Old Thumper Extra Special Ale, from Shipyard Brewing Company in Portland, Maine.  It was NOT Old Thumper Extra Special Ale, from Ringwood Brewery in Hampshire UK.  If you check out the labels below, the difference is clear.  Or…. maybe not…

So how is it that these two beers exist, with very similar labels and warthogs, and most likely a very similar recipe and taste?

The brewer at Shipyard, Alan Pugsley, is a Brit whose first job was as an apprentice brewer at the Ringwood Brewery in the UK.  Pugsley brought the Ringwood strain of yeast, which produces English-style ales, to several breweries in the US including Geary’s, Magic Hat and Middle Ages.  Shipyard now brews Old Thumper in the US under license from Ringwood.

The US Old Thumper is an English style bitter, with mild yet distinctive hop and malt tastes, and a slightly floral smell. Would I buy a six-pack?  Certainly, but not this year!


  1. My mind is foggy from the good-ole days. All I can remember is drumming on the table with my hands and repeating some like, "What's the name of the game, THUMPER. How is it played....???"

    I am pretty sure that the game included drinking beer and a lot of it. Weidemans probably (99 cents a six pack)

  2. This might jog your memory
