Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 80, March 21 / Pollenator Pale Ale

Day 80 / March 21, 2011

Long Trail Brewing Company / Bridgewater Corners, VT


Dude, where’s my blog?

Where did I go?  Did I fall off the 365 beer quest and I was ashamed to show my face in virtual public?  Fortunately, that was not the case.

But, as it can, life got in the way.  I got tied up working evenings with a project for work, and then the Mummies came to town (more on that in the post on Kona Longboard Lager).  But I will catch up this weekend, I promise.

I am also aware that for some reason, my dozen of followers, might look forward to my blog each day, and ask themselves, “WWJD?” or “What Would Jeff Drink?”  So going forward, unless I am incarcerated in a Mexican jail for a crime that I probably didn’t commit, I will try to post at least the name and rating of the beer within about 24 hours of the quaff, and follow up ASAP with a picture and my authoritative review.  OK?

So Monday night, as I worked editing a video for The Biggest Loser contest at work, I downed a Long Trail Pollenator Ale.  Pollenator is a good, crisp, slightly hoppy spring seasonal brew, and despite the name and the bee on the label, I do not believe there is honey in there, honey.  I would recommend you pick up a six pack while it’s still in season.

1 comment:

  1. But is there pollen in there, honey? Glad to see the blog back J, I was going through withdrawals. And that LBFM picture just was not helping.

    - HHH
