Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 106, April 16 / Reissdorf Kolsch

Day 106 / April 16, 2011

Privat-Brauerei Heinrich Reissdorf  /  Cologne, Germany


A well traveled beer.

So, I’ve got this blog, see.  And I post my blog updates on Facebook too.  And my uncle reads the blog through Facebook.  And he figured I might know a thing or two about beer.  And he’s right, I know exactly a thing or two.

He asked if I knew of a good Kolsch that he could get for a friend of his in hospice, who was raised in Germany and really appreciated a good Kolsch.  So I found the Gaffel Kolsch in my local beer store and probably broke a couple laws and shipped it to him in Tennessee.

At the same time, a friend of my uncle’s was actually in Germany, and picked up some Kolsch and brought it home with him.  So then my uncle broke those same laws and sent me a couple bottles of Reissdorf Kolsch.

So this beer comes to you via Cologne Germany, Tennessee and Virginia. Unfortunately, this was very light beer, similar to a pilsner, with a very weak taste.  Call me a non-traditionalist, but I think I prefer the American Kolsch-style beers.

1 comment:

  1. Jeff

    When I presented Hans with the Gaffel he called it a "Miracle". Thank you from Hans and me for bringing a little joy into his life.

    Perhaps I should put you on retainer as my "Beer Consultant" (Don't quit the new job quite yet).

