Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 107, April 17 / Amstel Light

Day 17, April 17, 2011

Amstel Light

P - Passable

First off, my apologies for the haphazard timing and quality of the posts for next few days. I'm travelling without a laptop, doing the posts on a combination of iPad and Blackberry.

Depending on my frustration level with my patched-together tech, I may just send a quick update with the beer and the rating and fill in some details on my return.

You don't go to South Beach to drink good beer. Actually, I didn't plan on being in South Beach at all last night, I planned on being a few land masses south. But Mother Nature and American Airlines didn't agree, so we spent the night in Miami (if they offer you a free night at the Aiport Regency, think twice - we did).

We paid for a room at the Marriott Fairfield Inn, then headed down to South Beach for dinner. As we ate dinner, we saw a guy with a lemur, another guy in a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader outfit, and a few hundred cc's of silicone.

While our dinner was quite good, the beer list was not impressive.

The Amstel Light was exactly what you'd expect, a light, pale, slightly skunky beer. The mojito that followed was much better.

And no, that photo is not my attempt to art-ify my photography, its just a really crappy Blackberry picture.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad