Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 4, Jan 4 / Shiner Holiday Cheer

Day 4, Jan 4

Where:   At home


A holiday seasonal with hints of peach and pecans (really, you can taste them).  It's good one or two at a time, but then you get a little tired of it and need to move on.
NOTE:  I like my beer, but I'm not really into all the technicalities of each beer.  I'm not going to tell you what hops were used, how many IBU's (what are they?) are in it, and what the pour looks like.  There are plenty of other sites for that (like beeradvocate.com, ratebeer.com).

My intent here is to enjoy a few beers, maybe expose readers to a few new brews, and give you a couple quick impressions of what I thought of the beer.  If you want more details, Google the beer and you'll find plenty of pages.


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