Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Oh, about that weight loss thing...

No progress yet, but not much effort really either.  Thinking about my strategy…

-      Biggest Loser contest coming up at work
-      Recommendation from a co-worker to check out their medical weight loss doctor
-      Cutting back on snacking, subbing healthier snacks (flavored rice cakes, Special K bars)
-      Plann on unburying the elliptical in the garage this weekend (and using it too)

If anybody has good suggestions for sustainable weight loss programs, I’d love to hear them!




  1. The South Beach diet really does wonders if you do it right, even allowing for slight deviations like the beer; at the end it is really just sustained healthy eating.

  2. find a fall 15k (9 mile) run and train for it-

  3. Without even seeing the comment from Steve, my first thought was also to find a running race and train for it. Running works! Find a race thats longer than you could run with too much effort (anywhere from 10-26 miles), find a novice training plan, and try to stick to it. You'd be amazed. BTW, by novice, I am not making any judgements; novice plans generally get you out there about 4 days a week, and thats about all many of us have time for! Suggestions: 1) a local favorite...the army 10 miler: - October 9th or 2) the Rock 'N' Roll Half at Va Beach: - Sept 4. Paul and I will be at that one, or 3) any number of the full marathons we've run. Call for other suggestions. Good luck! I am following this blog all year...Julia

  4. Without disagreeing with the above posts, I wouldn't jump into running. Diet and low impact cardio -elliptical or biking- until you get the first 20-30 lbs off will help avoid knee pain or injury that would limit your training.

  5. The last time I ran was when the dog ran away. If I had to rely on my speed alone, she would have long gone. Before that, it was probably college.

    The plan is start out on the the elliptical this weekend, once I find it in the garage. I think I'm down 2-3 just through better breakfast and snacking.
